2020年6月25日 星期四

Chen Style 38 Form

The Chen Style 38 Form was created by Chen Xiaowang from the Old Frame - 75 movement form and New Frame - 83 movement form. 

Master Chen deleted repeated movements and simplified a few difficult movements from traditional forms, while preserving the characteristics of Chen Style Taijiquan.

Class 1:
基本功(一) basic skill part 1
1. 起式 Opening Tai Chi
2. 金剛搗碓 Buddha's Attendant Pounds The Mortar

Class 2:
基本功(二) basic skill part 2
3. 白鶴亮翅 The White Crane Spreads Its Wings
4. 上三步 Three Steps Forward

Class 3:
5. 斜行 Walk Forward Diagonally
6. 摟膝 Brush Knee
7. 前蹚拗步 Wade Forward and Twist Step

Class 4:
8. 掩手肱拳 Hidden Fist Punch
9. 撇身捶 Drape Over Body and Punch
10. 雙推手 Push with Both Hands

Class 5:
11. 三換掌 Change Hands Three Times
12. 肘底捶 Fist Under Elbow
13. 倒捲肱 Step Back and Whirl Arms on Both Sides
14. 退步壓肘 Step Back and Press Elbow

Class 6:
15. 白蛇吐信 Beast Head Pose
16. 閃通背 Flash the Back 
17. 前蹚拗步 Wade Forward and Twist Step
18. 青龍出水 Green Dragon Out of Water

Class 7:
19. 擊地捶 Punch of Hitting the Ground
20. 翻身二起腳 Turn and Double Raise Foot
21. 護心拳 Shield Heart with Fist

Class 8: 
22. 前招 Forward Trick
23. 後招 Backward Trick
24. 右蹬一根 Side Kick With Right Heel
25. 左蹬一根 Side Kick With Left Heel

Class 9:
26. 玉女穿梭 The Jade Lady Works At Shuttles
27. 懶扎衣 Lazy About Tying The Coat
28. 六封四閉 Six Sealing And Four Closing

Class 10:
29. 單鞭 Single Whip
30. 雀地龍 The Dragon on the Ground
31. 上步七星 Step Forward with Seven Stars

Class 11:
32. 小擒打 Small Catching and Hitting
33. 雲手 Wave Hands
34. 高探馬 High Pat On the Horse

Class 12: 
35. 雙擺蓮 Lotus Kick
36. 當頭炮 The Cannon Fists
37. 金剛搗碓 Buddha's Attendant Pounds The Mortar
38. 收式 Closing

